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In nature, you experience a profound sense of connection with the greater whole. This fine and intense feeling of belonging arises from rediscovering your natural bond with the wonders of the Earth.

                During an Eco-Connectedness session, we immerse ourselves in nature to cultivate sustainable mental strength. By deepening our connection with nature, a process will unfolds of reconnecting with your natural self. Coming home to your natural self signifies a shift in awareness, offering a new perspective on your personal values and goals. It provides a different view on values and goals. Nature and I guide you, and you are getting insights. In this session, we always work on resilience, trust, optimism, and meaning.

                We begin by exploring moss as a teacher for your personal resilience. Are you capable of handling setbacks and stress effectively? Many people find this challenging. Resilience helps you in this journey and can be effectively trained.

                Doubt often hinders people in their recovery. Am I doing it right? Are my choices correct? Can I trust those people around me? I assist you in rediscovering confidence in yourself and others.

                Optimism also plays a crucial role in your recovery. It's not about blindly seeing the positive in everything, as that wouldn't be realistic. Instead, it's the realisation that, despite feeling not okay, it won't last forever. Gaining new perspective instills hope. Committing to your recovery can positively influence your future.

                Reducing your symptoms is essential, but what truly defines psychological well-being? Much of it revolves around meaning. In this session, you discover what adds color to your life and where your values lie. Finding meaning is crucial for experiencing fulfilment in your mental well-being. We give energy into those things that are genuinely important to you.

                This session provides insights on the path to growth, development, and meaning. Together with nature, we explore your life goals, values, and beliefs, discovering what is genuinely important and meaningful to you. Awareness of personal values and meaningfulness strengthens resilience, enabling you to better navigate life's challenges. It brings vitality, well-being, and happiness to find answers to your coaching questions in harmony with nature.